Max Nagl
Max Nagl
Android Developer
Diplom-Informatiker (FH), Master of Science
- 12
- years experienceAndroid Developer
- 15
- years experience
Java Developer
- 6
- years experience
Web Developer
- 3
- years experience
C/C++ Developer
- Email
- Tel
- +49 163 3933877
- Skype
- LinkedIn
- Max Nagl
- Since 2010
- Freelancer
Focus on Android development
- 2010-2012
- Sybit GmbH
Development of CMS and streming service for German TV stations
- 2008-2009
- HTWG: University in Constance
Lecturer for „algorithms and data structure“ and „user interfaces“
- 2004-2010
- HTWG: University in Constance
Degrees: Master of Science (1,1) & Diplom-Informatiker (FH) (1,4)
- 2006-2007
- Konzept Informationssysteme GmbH
Development of avionics software
- 2002-2005
- AllInOne Netzwerke GmbH
Networks administration, design and support of homepages